What to expect
Getting dentures is the last resource to replace missing teeth. Although each denture is custom made to fit your mouth, function of dentures is compromised compared to our natural teeth. Most patients will not be able to bite a whole apple with standard dentures. Only a few gifted ones with adaquate amount of mandibular and maxillary bone will be able to do so without any problems.
Patients who have resorbed gum and bone will experience difficulties with their dentures.
Some of these patients will be recommended to use denture adhesive products for proper functioning of the dentures.
Patients who take certain prescription drugs might experience difficulties with wearing dentures due to side effects of the drugs. Most common side effect is Xerostomia (Dry Mouth). Use of artificial saliva (saliva substiturte) might be necessary.
Please DO NOT stop taking your mediciations without consulting your medical doctor.
Dentures require settling down period. whithin this period, some patients might experience discomforness and soreness. If patient received a new denture and is experiencing mild discomfortness, It is recommended to keep wearing the dentures up to a week. However, if it becomes to a point where you cannot bear with it, please call your denturist right away. If your denturist cannot come the same day, he/she might recommend you to stop wearing the dentures until they visit you.
It is highly recommended that patients stay on soft diet for at least a week and very slowely and gradually move up to normal food. During this period, you are advised to cut all your food with a knive instead of using the front teeth to cut them in the mouth. Start with smaller portions of food and try to chew on both sides. Chewing with dentures is different than chewing with our own teeth. First time denture patients usually take 6-8 weeks to learn how to chew with dentures. However, some patients will learn a lot faster.
Your speach will be affected especially when you pronounce "F" and "V" sounds where you are using your lower lip against your top front teeth. Your body will slowely adopt to it.
Patients who had dentures previously will also go through settling down period with new dentures.
There is no tricks on getting used to new dentures. Patients who put more effort and time to master them will have great success with speach, chewing abilities. Patients who only wear their dentures occasianally will usually have less satisfaction.
Video instructions made by
Polident company
Denture Care Tips
Dentures have to be taken out of mouth and cleaned after each meal.
DO NOT use toothpaste to clean the dentures. toothpaste contains Abrasives that will scratch and wear your dentures. Instead, use mild handsoap without abrasives, or any denture cleanser product.
DO NOT use bleach even if it is diluted.
DO NOT put your denture in boiling water. Dentures are made with plastic(acrylic) and it will warp! Water should be warm (not hot) to clean the dentures and use clean room temperature water to store dentures overnight.
Most popular denture cleasing tablets is Polident. Tablets kill microorganisms such as bateria. Do not leave the denture in the tablet overnight especially if you have partial dentures or if your denture has metal pieces. Strong chemicals from the tablet will cause corrosion to metal parts of your denture if you leave your dentures in the tablet longer than recommended.
It it important to do both brushing and use of tablets. Brushing and use of tablets have different purpose. Both are required daily.
After using the tablet before you go to sleep, dentures should be stored in a glass of water.
If dentures are left without water for prolonged period of time, it will not fit the same.
Partial dentures do not fit if left out of mouth for long time EVEN if it was stored in water.
If this happens to you, it's because your natural teeth have moved. Sometimes these partial dentures can be re-fitted but not always.
Dentures are made with plastic(acrylic)
This means everytime you drop it, you are taking changes of it breaking.
We use premium denture acylic which is much stonger and much less likely to break compared to standard denture acrylic. However it is still acrylic and can break.
Poorly fitting dentures can cause
Poorly fitting dentures can cause ulcerations in the mouth or fungal infections.
Gum will grow to fill the space and this will greatly reduce the support (chewing function) of the denture.
Poorly fitting dentures can also cause accelerated bone loss.
bone is the main source that not only holds dentures in place, but also supports dentures. Bone will not regenerate the way it was once it is gone.
It is recommended to have your dentures assessed by your denturist every year as our mouth will keep changing.
Reline (re-fit) is necessary every 2-5 years depending on the patient. Some patients will require Relines more often than every 2-5 years.
If you recently had tooth extraction, you will require relines more often for the first year. Generally 2-4 times of relines are required within the first year of extraction.
Dentures do not suddenly get loose. They slowly get loose every day and this is why many patients do not notice it until the denture finally starts to fall out. Dentures should be relined before it was falling out of your mouth.